Saturday, July 1, 2023



Be Prepared for a Medical Emergency

Almost everyone will got to use a primary aid kit at a while. Take the time to organize a kit to possess available for home and travel.
First aid kits could also be basic or comprehensive. What you would like depends on your medical training and the way far you're from professional medical help.
Ready-made care kits are commercially available from chain stores or outdoor retailers. But you'll make an easy and cheap care kit yourself.
Be prepared to require enough medication to last a minimum of as long as you'll be traveling (or for a couple of days more just in case of delays).
Carry your medical information with you.
In case of emergencies when care is merely the start of care, people should be prepared to offer emergency personnel all of their current and past medical record.

Home and Travel care Kits
Home care kits are usually used for treating these sorts of minor traumatic injuries:

Abrasions (scrapes)

First aid kits for travel got to be more comprehensive because a drug store may or might not be accessible. additionally to non-public medical items, the kit should contain items to assist alleviate the common symptoms of viral respiratory infections like these:
Nasal congestion
Sore throat

Items to treat these ailments:
Mild pain
Gastrointestinal problems
Skin problems

Simple and straightforward to organize For care Kit Checklist

1. Tweezers
Tweezers are an important a part of any care kit, particularly if you enjoy hiking or other outdoor activities. The safest thanks to remove a splinter or a tick is with a clean pair of tweezers. Disinfect the tweezers well before and after each use.

2. Hydrocortisone Cream
For itchy bites,carry two small packets of 1% hydrocortisone cream. This topical steroid provides relief from itching and reduces inflammation.

3.Hand Sanitizer and Gloves
If you or a lover gets injured on the go, the last item you would like to try to to is tend the wound with dirty hands. Alcohol-based gel or wipes can sanitize your hands. Sanitize before, wear a pair of latex or non-latex exam gloves, and sanitize again after treating the wound.

4. Pain Relievers
No care kit would be complete without medication to alleviate pain and convey down a fever. Aspirin, acetaminophen, and ibuprofen are popular for pain relievers. Aspirin shouldn't tend to anyone under age 18 due to the danger of Reye's syndrome

5. Gauze and Tape
For cuts and scrapes, you'll use gauze pads to use pressure to small wounds until the bleeding subsides. When used with tape, gauze also can function a bandage to hide and protect wounds. Adhesive bandages of various sizes also can help protect minor cuts and scrapes.

6. Wipes or Solution for Cleaning a Wound
Before you bandage, you'll be wanting to wash scrapes or wounds. Antiseptic wipes or sprays are handy for cleaning injuries when there is no clean water nearby. Sterile water or saline, like contact saline , is sweet to possess for flushing out eye injuries and may be used on other wounds. Available in small bottles, it also can be easy to pack.

7. Antibiotic Cream
An antibiotic cream or ointment has several uses. It can help protect minor wounds from infection. It can keep the world moist, which can promote healing. It can also prevent the wound from getting stuck to a bandage.

8. Allergy Medications
Be able to counter a light allergy with antihistamines. People with serious allergies should carry injectable epinephrine. It can save a life within the case of anaphylaxis -- a severe and potentially deadly allergy to triggers like insect stings or food.

Creating Your Kit
Once you've gathered the essentials for your mobile care kit, you will need how to stay them clean and dry. you do not need to buy a flowery medical bag. A waterproof makeup bag, tool kit, or butt pack can work well.

Must Have Women On The Go's Basic First Aid Kit Checklist.
If you're heading out of the city, especially in developing countries, you'll need to take an emergency kit with you. This first aid kit checklist will help you fashion your own first aid kit, but exactly what you put into it will depend on where you're going but what type of geography you plan to encounter.

Will you be sticking to cities or main roads, where pharmacies are widely available? Will you be in poor or war-torn countries, where pharmaceuticals are in short supply?

Are you heading out into the wild, where you'll be fully responsible for your own health? You won't need the same in Paris as you will in the Congo.

This is a Women on the Go's basic first aid kit checklist that you should have
antihistamines for allergies and insect bites
laxative for constipation
2 packets ORT - oral rehydration salts, in case you have diarrhea (if you run out, you can make your own: 1 liter clean water, 8 tsp sugar, 1 tsp salt - mix and sip very slowly )
and then there's Immodium, if you have the opposite problem and you just can't stop going
TUMS or Rennies antacid tablets for heartburn or bloating
tube of antibiotic antiseptic cream for cuts and bites
anti-bacterial liquid
mosquito repellent
painkiller cream for bites, stings, cuts
regular painkillers for headaches, muscle pain, menstrual pain
aspirin, if your stomach can handle it
the strongest painkillers you can find - for temporary relief in case of accident
condoms - be discreet with these - some countries don't look favorably on women carrying condoms and may consider you 'loose' as a result (they can also be used as a water container in an emergency)
small bottle of skin disinfectant
some sterile gauze pads (make sure they're non-adherent), a few bandaids and a bandage in case you sprain a wrist or an ankle
small pack of wound closure strips
liquid bandage
a roll of adhesive tape
foot blister protection plasters
sunblock with an SPF 30 at least
syringes - only if you are going to a region at war or if you have a medical condition - they're too much trouble to explain at each border crossing otherwise
pills or bands to treat motion sickness (I can't even get on the bus without my wristbands)
water purification tablets
cotton wool
Q tips or similar cotton buds
Multitool/Swiss Army knife (with scissors - and preferably one on which the main blade locks open)
safety pins and a needle (to dig out splinters and hold bandages together)
the strongest insect repellant you can find, especially for avoiding malaria mosquitoes
dental repair kit (if you have problem teeth)
prescription drugs and their prescriptions
The first aid kit checklist above contains what I might take with me when I travel for over a month, on my own, off the beaten path but not on what I would consider expedition or high adventure travel. It has worked for me for years and I've (fortunately) never needed anything more.

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