Monday, July 17, 2023

Can Acupuncture Help with Pain Management?

Acupuncture Help with Pain Management

Acupuncture Help with Pain Management


Pain is a common condition that affects millions of people worldwide, and finding effective and safe methods of pain management is a priority for many. Acupuncture, an ancient Chinese healing practice, is increasingly being recognized as a viable option for pain relief. This article explores the potential benefits of acupuncture in pain management, discussing how it works, the conditions it can help with, and its effectiveness as supported by scientific research.

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

What are the key benefits of regular exercise for overall health?

key benefits of regular exercise for overall health

What are the key benefits of regular exercise for overall health?

Unlocking the Power of Regular Exercise: 

Key Benefits for Overall Health


 Regular exercise is not just a means to achieve a desirable physique; it is a cornerstone of overall health and well-being. Engaging in physical activity on a consistent basis can lead to a wide range of benefits that extend beyond weight management. In this article, we will explore the key benefits of regular exercise for overall health, emphasizing the importance of incorporating physical activity into our daily lives.

Thursday, July 6, 2023



What is Acupuncture and How Does It Work?


In today's fast-paced world, where stress, anxiety, and various health issues are becoming increasingly prevalent, people are exploring alternative therapies to complement traditional medicine. One such therapy gaining popularity is acupuncture. Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese healing technique that involves the insertion of thin needles into specific points on the body. This article aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of acupuncture, its principles, and how it works to promote overall well-being.

Saturday, July 1, 2023



Be Prepared for a Medical Emergency

Almost everyone will got to use a primary aid kit at a while. Take the time to organize a kit to possess available for home and travel.
First aid kits could also be basic or comprehensive. What you would like depends on your medical training and the way far you're from professional medical help.
Ready-made care kits are commercially available from chain stores or outdoor retailers. But you'll make an easy and cheap care kit yourself.
Be prepared to require enough medication to last a minimum of as long as you'll be traveling (or for a couple of days more just in case of delays).
Carry your medical information with you.
In case of emergencies when care is merely the start of care, people should be prepared to offer emergency personnel all of their current and past medical record.

Saturday, June 17, 2023




Atherosclerosis is the formation of cholesterol plaque that accumulates in the inner wall of the blood vessels that causes narrowing of the arteries, especially the part that leads to the heart and brain. This disease is usually due to nutrition rich in saturated fats and cholesterol which is exchanged by the liver into LDL (low-density lipoprotein) (low density lipoprotein) When atherosclerosis goes deeper in the coronary artery, this may cause angina pectoris (chest pain is accompanied by breathing difficulties due to cardiac ischemia) and one can be attacked by a heart attack. Astrosklerosis in the brain can cause stroke / stroke. 

Friday, April 28, 2023



Breast cancer is one of the most common types of cancer that affects women. It is a disease that arises when cells in the breast tissue grow abnormally and uncontrollably. The disease can spread to other parts of the body if not diagnosed and treated early. Treatment options for breast cancer vary depending on the stage of the cancer and the individual's health. In this article, we will explore the various ways of curing breast cancer.


Surgery is often the first treatment option for breast cancer. The aim of surgery is to remove the tumor and the surrounding tissues. There are several types of surgeries, including:

a. Lumpectomy: This is a surgery that involves removing only the tumor and a small margin of healthy tissue.

b. Mastectomy: This is a surgery that involves removing the entire breast.

c. Sentinel node biopsy: This is a procedure that involves removing the first lymph node that cancer cells are likely to spread to.

d. Axillary lymph node dissection: This is a procedure that involves removing several lymph nodes in the underarm area to determine if cancer has spread to the lymph nodes.



Breast cancer is a significant health concern worldwide, affecting women and men of all ages. In the United States alone, approximately 281,550 new cases of invasive breast cancer were diagnosed in women in 2021, along with 49,290 new cases of non-invasive (in situ) breast cancer. Despite advances in treatment, breast cancer remains the second leading cause of cancer death among women, with an estimated 43,600 deaths in 2021.

Breast Cancer Research Foundation (BCRF) is a nonprofit organization that funds research on breast cancer. Since its inception in 1993, BCRF has been committed to advancing the understanding of breast cancer biology, developing new treatments, and finding a cure for the disease. BCRF is the highest-rated breast cancer organization in the United States, with an A+ rating from CharityWatch and a four-star rating from Charity Navigator.

The BCRF's mission is to fund research to prevent and cure breast cancer by advancing the world's most promising research. It is the largest private funder of breast cancer research in the world, having invested over $800 million in research to date. BCRF's research investments have led to significant advances in the understanding of breast cancer biology and the development of new treatments.

Thursday, March 30, 2023



Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic disease that causes inflammation of the lining of the joints. Patients experience stiffness and pain in their joints, which can have a major impact on the ability to carry out daily tasks. Common symptoms include joint swelling, fatigue, morning stiffness, and reduced joint function. There does not appear to be a single cause of rheumatoid arthritis, but research has identified a number of factors that may contribute to its development.

More than a dozen of these drugs carry a boxed warning or black-box warning that they can cause or worsen heart failure. Even if the drug is not approved for that use, a black-box warning may still be placed on the drug's label or prescribing information.

Treatment of rheumatoid arthritis

The exact cause of RA is not known; However, it does run in some families where the body's immune system starts attacking healthy tissue and joints.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) may be used to treat rheumatoid arthritis and other painful conditions. They are also used to treat severe pain in situations where other treatments (such as a stronger pain reliever or injections) are not suitable, such as during minor surgery.

There is no evidence of their usefulness in treating this condition. NSAIDs only suppress the symptoms of inflammation and pain associated with this condition. They don't treat it.

However, they can cause serious side effects. These include stomach ulcers, bleeding, other digestive problems, heartburn, kidney problems, high blood pressure, and heart attack.

For people with rheumatoid arthritis, ongoing research into new treatments will bring relief. There are many ways to effectively manage the condition without medication.

To effectively manage this joint disease, it's important to find a treatment that works best for you. Lifestyle changes, more exercise is one of the ways to control this disease. Many people find relief from rheumatoid arthritis with a variety of treatments, such as medications, physical therapy, and dietary changes. Medicines can be taken orally or injected into the joint, which can help control pain and inflammation.

Lastly, rheumatoid arthritis is a debilitating autoimmune disease that hinders the ability to perform daily tasks. Available treatments for this condition include various medications and lifestyle changes. However, it may be important to consult a doctor about the best treatment plan for you.

Rheumatoid arthritis is a debilitating autoimmune disease that interferes with the ability to perform daily tasks. There are many treatments for the condition, including medications and lifestyle changes. you can see our clip

Finally, there are many ways to reduce the pain associated with RA. It's important to break any habits that cause inflammation and take an active part in your lifestyle.

Taking an active part in your lifestyle as well as avoiding any habits that cause inflammation can help you manage your RA.The information provided in this article is designed to support, not replace, the existing relationship between the patient/site visitor and his or her health professional. The Site should not be used for medical or legal advice and consultation of a professional is advised

Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic disease that causes inflammation of the lining of the joints. There does not appear to be a single cause of rheumatoid arthritis, but research has identified a number of factors that may contribute to its development. Treatment of rheumatoid arthritis The exact cause of RA is not known; However, it does run in some families where the body's immune system starts attacking healthy tissue and joints. NSAIDs only suppress the symptoms of inflammation and pain associated with this condition. To effectively manage this joint disease, it's important to find a treatment that works best for you. Lifestyle changes, more exercise is one of the ways to control this disease. Lastly, rheumatoid arthritis is a debilitating autoimmune disease that hinders the ability to perform daily tasks. Rheumatoid arthritis is a debilitating autoimmune disease that interferes with the ability to perform daily tasks. There are many treatments for the condition, including medications and lifestyle can see our clip Finally, there are many ways to reduce the pain associated with RA. The Site should not be used for medical or legal advice and consultation of a professional is advised.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) may be used to treat rheumatoid arthritis and other painful conditions.Rheumatoid Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic disease that causes inflammation of the lining of the joints. There does not appear to be a single cause of rheumatoid arthritis, but research has identified a number of factors that may contribute to its development. Rheumatoid arthritis is a debilitating autoimmune disease that interferes with the ability to perform daily tasks. Lastly, rheumatoid arthritis is a debilitating autoimmune disease that hinders the ability to perform daily tasks. It's important to break any habits that cause inflammation and take an active part in your lifestyle. For people with rheumatoid arthritis, ongoing research into new treatments will bring relief.

Saturday, March 25, 2023



Medical tourism in Iran

Did you know that Iran has the highest number of rhinoplasty per capita in the world? As of 2016, Iran has approximately .6 percent of the world's 238 rhinoplasty surgeons. However, they make up about 4% of the world's nose jobs. To put this in perspective, the top country Brazil made up 8.1% with 5,473 surgeons. This is a staggering number of people undergoing surgery with so few surgeons.

Iran also ranks in the top 10 in stem cell research, computer science and chemical engineering, as well as nanotechnology. That is, while the country is lacking in some areas, Iran is one of the best in the world in many other important areas.

There is also a stigma attached to the land which is largely discriminatory and overshadows the positive aspects of the county. Iran is an ancient country with deep traditions, but one of the best healthcare professionals and facilities in the world. Many popular doctors, such as the orthopedic surgeon Dr. Ganji, who first studied abroad, became highly qualified in their field, so much so that they were invited to lecture in other countries around the world. Others practice in other countries, but still practice after returning to Iran.

Cost of surgery in the US

Most international patients are Iranian nationals who live abroad and decide to return for any type of procedure, with significantly fewer anywhere in the world with the same quality of care. As of this writing, total knee replacement surgery costs an average of $49,500 in the United States. This includes, but is not limited to, various hospital bills along with other charges. On average, these patients' bills add up to $7,500 USD.

Other outpatient fees include pre- and post-doctoral expenses for doctor's office and lab work, physical therapy, and finally follow-up visits. If you're insured, postoperative care covers recovery and rehabilitation costs of about $2,600.

Patients can use the devaluation of the Iranian currency to their advantage. Medical care has not been relatively cheap compared to other countries, but foreigners can now get the same procedures from overseas-trained surgeons for a fraction of the cost. For example, take the cost of simultaneous bilateral knee replacement, here in Iran it costs around $6000 USD. It also covers your doctor's visit, before and after the operation as well as your own 2-3 days stay in a private room in a private hospital. 10 physical therapy sessions are required and incl. Dr. Ganji may look at your X-rays to determine if you are a good candidate for total or partial knee replacement. Everything is included except food and accommodation. However, we can discuss your options and preferences on where to stay.

High quality care in Iran

Doctor Ganji simultaneously studied bilateral knee replacement surgery at Rothmans Hospital in Philadelphia, USA, one of the world's leading hospitals for this type of surgery. Last year he performed nearly 800 knee replacement surgeries. This is important for patients because you are working with a surgeon who specializes in a field of orthopedics. 

A growing number of accredited facilities are gaining popularity in Iran. Not only through word of mouth from previous patients, but also through recognized associations and organizations regarding their excellent healthcare practices in cosmetic and reconstructive surgical procedures and procedures.

Many of the doctors and surgeons at such facilities are highly trained, having received education and training in their home country of Iran as well as international hospitals and universities. Past customers of such facilities give great feedback and recommendations not only to local Iranian citizens, but also to the surrounding area and international travelers.

Enter Iran

Getting a visa seemed daunting, but leave it to us to guide you through the process. We will handle your paperwork, guide you through the process and inform you of the requirements. There are some additional costs depending on where you are coming from, but ask for more details. Iran is also world famous for its hospitality. A driver will personally be waiting to pick you up from the airport, take you to the hotel and assist you with check-in.

Medical tourism in Iran Did you know that Iran has the highest number of rhinoplasty per capita in the world? That is, while the country is lacking in some areas, Iran is one of the best in the world in many other important areas. There is also a stigma attached to the land which is largely discriminatory and overshadows the positive aspects of the county. Iran is an ancient country with deep traditions, but one of the best healthcare professionals and facilities in the world. Cost of surgery in the US Most international patients are Iranian nationals who live abroad and decide to return for any type of procedure, with significantly fewer anywhere in the world with the same quality of care. As of this writing, total knee replacement surgery costs an average of $49,500 in the United States. For example, take the cost of simultaneous bilateral knee replacement, here in Iran it costs around $6000 USD. High quality care in Iran Doctor Ganji simultaneously studied bilateral knee replacement surgery at Rothmans Hospital in Philadelphia, USA, one of the world's leading hospitals for this type of surgery. This is important for patients because you are working with a surgeon who specializes in a field of orthopedics. Many of the doctors and surgeons at such facilities are highly trained, having received education and training in their home country of Iran as well as international hospitals and universities.

As of this writing, total knee replacement surgery costs an average of $49,500 in the United States. For example, take the cost of simultaneous bilateral knee replacement, here in Iran it costs around $6000 USD.Medical Medical tourism in Iran Did you know that Iran has the highest number of rhinoplasty per capita in the world? Iran is an ancient country with deep traditions, but one of the best healthcare professionals and facilities in the world. That is, while the country is lacking in some areas, Iran is one of the best in the world in many other important areas. High quality care in Iran Doctor Ganji simultaneously studied bilateral knee replacement surgery at Rothmans Hospital in Philadelphia, USA, one of the world's leading hospitals for this type of surgery.

Sunday, February 26, 2023

Ginger Side Effect: If you take more ginger in summer, know its side effects.


Ginger is an herbal supplement, which can be used as a natural remedy in the treatment of antiemetic, carminative, stimulant, and also as anti-inflammatory. It can be effective in the treatment of dyspepsia, migraine headache, morning sickness, nausea (chemo-induced), post-operative nausea and/or vomiting, osteoarthritis, respiratory infections, rheumatoid arthritis, and SSRI taper/discontinuation.

Demonstrated antiemetic efficacy in pregnancy, postoperative nausea and vomiting, and vertigo. It is possibly ineffective for motion sickness. Insufficient reliable data to rate use in chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting, migraine headache, osteoarthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis

The coronavirus is once again rapidly gaining momentum. To prevent this virus, we include such things in our diet, which can help to boost our immunity. Whenever there is talk of increasing immunity, then the name of ginger comes first in our mind. Ginger is a spice full of medicinal properties that we consume from cooking to making tea. From sore throat to toxins in the body, ginger is very effective.

You know that excessive use of ginger can also have side effects on your health. Excess of ginger in summer can also make you sick. Where ginger boosts your immunity, it can also make you sick. Let's know what side effects ginger can have on our body.

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                                            Take a look at the health benefits of ginger                                       

                                  Ginger is astounding, it assists with complex infections

Ginger can make you a victim of diarrhea:

There is a rush to increase immunity in people in the coronary period. People like to drink ginger decoction or ginger tea as soon as they get time. Ginger hangs on people so much that they consume ginger tea and decoction several times a day. Ginger is also used in vegetables, lentils, pickles and chutneys at home. This kind of ginger use can be harmful to you. Eating more ginger in summer can cause diarrhea.

Ginger Health Benefits - Bath Remedies - Benefits of Ginger Tea Kindle Edition

Ginger Health Benefits - Bath Remedies - Benefits of Ginger Tea Kindle Edition

Ginger can cause gas and heartburn:

Eating a balanced amount of ginger is beneficial, but if you use it excessively, you may complain of a burning sensation in your chest in summer. Use limited ginger to increase immunity.


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Consumption of ginger in pregnancy can cause harm:

Consuming more than 1500 grams of ginger prescribed per day can increase the risk of miscarriage. Pregnant women must consult a doctor before using ginger in pregnancy.

Ginger is harmful to sugar and blood pressure patients:

Patients with sugar and hypertension should avoid consuming ginger. With the use of ginger, the level of sugar in the blood is lower than normal. The effect of medicines taken by the patients of sugar also starts to decrease. Blood thinners occur with the use of ginger, BP patients may have low blood pressure.

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Women may have more bleeding:

The ginger effect is hot. Hot ginger dilutes blood in summer. If you use it during periods, you may have more bleeding. Your periods can last longer. Therefore, it is very important to avoid adding ginger to your diet when you are suffering from period pain.

Ginger prevents hair growth:

If your hair growth is low or you are a victim of baldness, first of all, remove ginger from your diet. Ginger is hot, it reduces your hair.

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Whenever there is talk of increasing immunity, then the name of ginger comes first in our mind. From sore throat to toxins in the body, ginger is very effective. You know that excessive use of ginger can also have side effects on your health. Excess of ginger in summer can also make you sick. Ginger can make you a victim of diarrhea: There is a rush to increase immunity in people in the coronary period. This kind of ginger use can be harmful to you. Ginger can cause gas and heartburn: Eating a balanced amount of ginger is beneficial, but if you use it excessively, you may complain of a burning sensation in your chest in summer. Consumption of ginger in pregnancy can cause harm: Consuming more than 1500 grams of ginger prescribed per day can increase the risk of miscarriage. With the use of ginger, the level of sugar in the blood is lower than normal. Women may have more bleeding: The ginger effect is hot.

Ginger can make you a victim of diarrhea: There is a rush to increase immunity in people in the coronary period.Women may have more bleeding: The ginger effect is hot. Excess of ginger in summer can also make you sick.Whenever Whenever there is talk of increasing immunity, then the name of ginger comes first in our mind. Consumption of ginger in pregnancy can cause harm: Consuming more than 1500 grams of ginger prescribed per day can increase the risk of miscarriage.You know that excessive use of ginger can also have side effects on your health. With the use of ginger, the level of sugar in the blood is lower than normal. From sore throat to toxins in the body, ginger is very effective.



Wednesday, February 22, 2023



My mother was suffering from varicose veins and I know how painful it was. He will feel embarrassed because he will wrap his feet in some cloth, he will also feel angry because he will be in a lot of pain and sometimes even a vein will bleed. These veins were bluish-purple, twisted and bunched up, and she eventually had to be operated on because the bleeding didn't stop and the pain got worse. Most adults over the age of 50 develop varicose veins and it is more common in women.

Do you know what varicose veins are?

Varicose veins are large, distended, swollen twisted veins that fill with blood and are commonly seen in the legs and feet. They are also called spider veins because they create a web-like appearance especially in the lower limbs, calves and ankles.

There are many reasons for the development of varicose veins and the main ones are physical inactivity or a sedentary lifestyle. They can also be caused by fatigue, prolonged sitting at a desk, prolonged standing in one place, weight-bearing activities, or long walks. Certain dietary habits like eating too much curd or drinking lassi, heavy non-veg food, junk food, fried food, aerated drinks also lead to varicose veins.

How are varicose veins formed?

The function of the heart is to pump blood through the arteries that fill or relax and expand or contract. The heart's aorta, which connects to the arteries, experiences a pressure of 80 mmHg during filling and 120 mmHg during ejection or contraction. The blood then flows through the vessels into smaller and thinner walled capillaries where gas exchange with the surrounding tissues takes place. After the blood flows through the capillaries, it enters the veins and after a series of these processes, it finally flows to the heart. In this process, blood carries oxygen to various organs, tissues and cells.

Valves located on the sides of blood vessels control the flow of blood in the desired direction. But if these valves don't work properly, blood doesn't flow in the right direction and back to the heart, causing the veins to swell. These veins are located close to the surface of the skin surrounded by muscles which help to supply them with blood. Varicose veins are more likely to occur when the valves in these veins weaken.

May have varicose veins

Elderly population

Pregnant woman

Hormonal changes

Excess weight


Weak nerves

What are the symptoms of varicose veins?

Highly visible discoloration of the veins in your legs

Web-like vein collection

Feeling of heaviness, numbness in the legs

Sharp pain in lower leg

Regular muscle cramps, leg swelling

In severe cases, bleeding can occur from the veins.

Ways to deal with varicose veins

Exercise regularly according to your age-

Lie on your back, lift your legs in the air and bend them at the knees and pedal your feet as if you were riding a bicycle.

Lie down on your back, lift one leg slowly, let it stay in the air for a while so that blood can circulate under your leg, repeat the same process with the other leg.

Stand straight, keep your feet slightly apart and slowly raise yourself onto your toes, pause for a moment, come down and repeat the same process.

Walking is the best exercise. Walk daily for 30-230 minutes.

Wear compression stockings which can help reduce pain, cramping, swelling, etc.

Lifestyle Changes:

Lose weight if you are overweight

Avoid standing for long periods of time.

If you sit for long periods of time, walk between your tasks.

Eat fibrous foods, berries, apples, grapes, cherries

Drink plenty of water

Avoid junk food

What are home remedies for varicose veins?

There are many herbs that can help treat varicose veins.

Gotukola or Mandukapurni: It helps balance the three doshas in the body and supports healthy circulation and metabolism.

Turmeric or Kucumin: Turmeric has anti-inflammatory properties that help in relieving pain and swelling

Bone Made Amla, Baheda and Triphala: These 3 herbs have all the properties to support healthy digestion, detoxification. keep the body light and active

Manjishtha: It has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory properties. Detoxifies the blood and is used in conditions of high pitta and depression of the blood due to pitta.

Guduchi: Boosts immunity, has anti-inflammatory and anti-spasmodic properties. Helps to relieve pain and heal wounds.

These veins were bluish-purple, twisted and bunched up, and she eventually had to be operated on because the bleeding did not stop and the pain got worse. Varicose veins are large, distended, swollen twisted veins that fill with blood and are commonly seen in the legs and feet. There are many reasons for the development of varicose veins and the main ones are physical inactivity or a sedentary lifestyle. The function of the heart is to pump blood through the arteries that fill or relax and expand or contract. After the blood flows through the capillaries, it enters the veins and after a series of these processes, it finally flows to the heart. But if these valves do not work properly, blood does not flow in the right direction and back to the heart, causing the veins to swell. These veins are located close to the surface of the skin surrounded by muscles which help to supply them with blood. Varicose veins are more likely to occur when the valves in these veins weaken. Ways to deal with varicose veins Exercise regularly according to your age- Lie on your back, lift your legs in the air and bend them at the knees and pedal your feet as if you were riding a bicycle. Detoxifies the blood and is used in conditions of high pitta and depression of the blood due to pitta.

There are many reasons for the development of varicose veins and the main ones are physical inactivity or a sedentary lifestyle. Varicose veins are large, distended, swollen twisted veins that fill with blood and are commonly seen in the legs and feet. Varicose veins are more likely to occur when the valves in these veins weaken. After the blood flows through the capillaries, it enters the veins and after a series of these processes, it finally flows to the heart. Detoxifies the blood and is used in conditions of high pitta and depression of the blood due to pitta. The function of the heart is to pump blood through the arteries that fill or relax and expand or contract.

Saturday, January 21, 2023



What is the inner knee and its injury?

The medial or inner knee refers to the part of the knee that is closest to its contemporaneous ie the same part of the other knee. Multiple injuries or various health disorders over time can contribute to inner knee pain.

What causes some inner knee pain?

The knee is not a simple structure with only one hinge joint, but consists of many tissues, ligaments and tendons responsible for a single movement. Several things can go wrong, some of which are:

• Bursitis

A bursa is a small, fluid-filled sac that protects bones, muscles, and tendons from friction. Inflammation of this tissue causes bursitis.

Especially when the pes anserine bursa becomes inflamed due to sharp trauma to the joint or overuse, it increases the pain inside the knee.

• Injury

Sports, exercise can often cause injuries, which put pressure on the knee joint resulting in knee pain. Apart from these two, accidents or traumas where a person falls on their knees unintentionally can cause severe injuries and knee pain.

• Sprain or tear

A tear in the medial collateral ligament can cause pain inside the knee. This can occur in injuries where there is excessive twisting of the ligament. A forceful blow to the outside of the knee puts pressure on the inside of the knee, usually causing immediate pain and swelling.

• Torn meniscus

A protective cartilage called the meniscus lines the knee joint and tears inside it, causing pain inside the knee. This layer can wear down over time and cause pain with any kind of knee movement.

• Osteoarthritis of the knee

The degenerative condition in which the protective cartilage wears away and weakens the knee is called osteoarthritis. The first thing you may feel after waking up is knee pain.

• Medial plica syndrome

Due to this syndrome, there is swelling in the plica present below the knee. This can occur when a person's activity level suddenly increases. The doctor may feel the lump on the inside of the knee very tender to the touch.

Internal knee pain treatment

Home remedies can resolve or relieve the problem of bruising or swelling. You can try:

• Knee rest: If the injury is sports-related and minor, try to rest your knee and reduce your activity level.

• Use of ice pack: It can reduce pain and swelling to a great extent. Try doing this 4-5 times a day for 15 minutes at a time.

• Anti-inflammatories: You can try taking mild doses of over-the-counter anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen or aspirin, but only until you see your doctor and then take the prescribed medication.

If you feel that the injury is severe enough, be sure to consult a doctor. They may recommend a brace, physical therapy, or whatever else is most appropriate for treating your inner knee pain.

There are many knee replacement surgeons in Indore that you can visit. With quality service, you can see that nothing else is wrong with your knee health and get back to a normal active lifestyle.

Sunday, January 1, 2023


How To Become Better With LASER SPINE SURGERY - A MYTH?

A common misconception among patients is that spine surgery can be performed exclusively using lasers. While minimally invasive surgical techniques have grown by leaps and bounds, lasers have actually been around for a long time. In fact, lasers have been used in medicine since 1973. However, there is no strong rationale for its use in spine surgery.

The reality is that lasers are virtually useless in spine surgery. Let's examine why this is so in a little more detail. Spine surgery is usually performed to relieve pain and other discomfort by relieving pressure on a compressed nerve or stabilizing the spine. In case of disc herniation (rupture) or rupture, the damaged part of the disc is removed in a procedure called discectomy. A laminectomy is performed to remove a bone spur or growth that may be impinging on the surrounding nerves. Spinal stabilization or fusion is performed by securing two or more spinal bones together using metal or plastic implants. Although these surgeries can be performed with minimal access - through a small incision that minimizes blood loss, risk of infection and shortens recovery time, the use of lasers is not relevant and may actually be counter-productive.

It is becoming increasingly clear that laser spine surgery is purely a marketing pitch, assuring patients of a painless procedure with no side effects, promising a quick return to normal life. In fact, laser surgery actually involves a surgical incision to access the spine. The laser is only used to remove the soft tissue located on the spine. Bone fragments or ligaments are removed using special instruments. Therefore, lasers actually play a very small role in laser spine surgery.

Another very important aspect of laser spine surgery is that while the laser can cut out damaged or bulging portions of the disc, it is much more reliable than mechanically removing pieces of the disc to relieve nerve compression. Additionally, it is a safer option because the laser carries the risk of damaging the nerve root located near the disc. A laser cannot be used to decompress patients with spinal stenosis because it cannot cut bone. Electrocautery is the preferred tool in spine surgery and is a relatively safe option.

The marketing of "safe" spine surgery using lasers has gained popularity, obviously without merit and by falsely assuring patients, playing on the fear of surgery and promising an easy recovery. The truth is, most neurosurgeons do not use or recommend lasers for spine surgery because there are no clear advantages over other methods. Furthermore, there are no well-established studies proving the effectiveness of lasers over more modern and established spine surgery techniques. Therefore, make sure you fully understand the procedure before undergoing any elective surgery. Consult a qualified spine surgeon to get accurate information about spine surgery.

A common misconception among patients is that spine surgery can be performed exclusively using lasers. The reality is that lasers are virtually useless in spine surgery. Spine surgery is usually performed to relieve pain and other discomfort by relieving pressure on a compressed nerve or stabilizing the spine. It is becoming increasingly clear that laser spine surgery is purely a marketing pitch, assuring patients of a painless procedure with no side effects, promising a quick return to normal life. In fact, laser surgery actually involves a surgical incision to access the spine. The laser is only used to remove the soft tissue located on the spine. Therefore, lasers actually play a very small role in laser spine surgery. Another very important aspect of laser spine surgery is that while the laser can cut out damaged or bulging portions of the disc, it is much more reliable than mechanically removing pieces of the disc to relieve nerve compression. Electrocautery is the preferred tool in spine surgery and is a relatively safe option. The truth is, most neurosurgeons do not use or recommend lasers for spine surgery because there are no clear advantages over other methods.

Electrocautery is the preferred tool in spine surgery and is a relatively safe option. Therefore, lasers actually play a very small role in laser spine surgery. In fact, laser surgery actually involves a surgical incision to access the spine. It is becoming increasingly clear that laser spine surgery is purely a marketing pitch, assuring patients of a painless procedure with no side effects, promising a quick return to normal life. The reality is that lasers are virtually useless in spine surgery.A A common misconception among patients is that spine surgery can be performed exclusively using lasers. The truth is, most neurosurgeons do not use or recommend lasers for spine surgery because there are no clear advantages over other methods.


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