Sunday, October 16, 2022


USEFUL TIPS FOR Back pain and alternative solutions-acupuncture and chiropractic

Chiropractic and acupuncture are two alternative treatments that are becoming more and more popular.
Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medicine where thin needles are inserted into the body to relieve pain and produce other effects. 
Chiropractic is a form of alternative medicine that treats musculoskeletal problems by manipulating the spine. 
In this article, we are going to discuss the different ways to get rid of back pain and the benefits of acupuncture and chiropractic
Those of you with back pain can relate: I used to walk with a slight bend and every time I raised my left leg it pinched the nerve and every step was painful.

Please note that acupuncture is actually good for treating many types of aches and pains, not just back pain. My back pain first appeared a couple years ago. The kind that drags your legs down and makes walking difficult. Doctors tried physical therapy first and I tried a few chiropractors on my own and nothing helped. I sometimes get relief, but always seem to come back. Then the doctors sent me for an MRI. It revealed that I had a herniated disc between my L4 and L5 vertebrae. His first solution was to inject cortisone into my spine and that's when I started looking for alternatives.
I heard that many people get these injections which hide the pain for a while but then they do more damage on their own. One day, my back hurt and I couldn't stand up straight. Those of you with back pain can relate: I used to walk with a slight bend and every time I raised my left leg it pinched the nerve and every step was painful. I was great at rotating my hips in and out instead of easing that pain, but it was time to do something.


A friend of mine had done some acupuncture before and I decided to try it. I walked in pain, and stood up straight, and walked normally. I am sold that if acupuncture is done correctly, it is very relaxing and many times I have almost fallen asleep during a session. Please note that acupuncture is actually good for treating many types of aches and pains, not just back pain.
Here's what you can expect from an acupuncture session: You can usually undress to a level you feel comfortable with. The acupuncturist will then place needles at specific points on your body based on your problem area. These points may not be anywhere near your pain. For example, during my back pain session, the acupuncturist placed needles in my arms, legs, feet, and back. The needles they use are very small and each one is individually sealed. Many people may tell you that needles don't hurt at all, and most of the time this is true. Sometimes, the needle will find a hot spot and it can feel like it's on fire. Just tell the acupuncturist if the pain goes beyond discomfort.

Sometimes these hot spots provide more pain relief. During my first few sessions for my back pain, my worst hot spot was my right arm; It was as bad as before on my back. However, I can walk upright and deal with the pain in my arms; Not my back with it. I was able to massage my hands and relieve the pain so it was definitely worth it. After inserting the needles, the acupuncturist will walk and let you rest for 20 to 30 minutes. Depending on your acupuncturist, they may apply herbs or slightly heat the needles or slightly twist the needles. Then the needle comes out. You have to fight the urge to tighten up when those needles are coming out. It's best to relax as much as possible and not think about it. Some acupuncturists may use acupuncture for a light massage.


So how am I now? Well, it's been over 5 years now, I guess, and I've never had to get a cortisone shot or even think about any kind of surgery. I still have occasional pain and I actually found a chiropractor who is also a licensed acupuncture provider. He has a table that puts negative pressure on the spinal discs and helps reduce any associated pain. I still get occasional acupuncture treatments from him. Please take note that I dislike "cracking" and that my chiropractor just stretched my spine rather than "adjusting" it. I think the key to a healthy back with a herniated disc is to be able to stretch and strengthen your back without causing pain. Acupuncture and certain chiropractic treatments are ways you can accomplish this.
Please note that acupuncture is actually good for treating many types of aches and pains, not just back pain. For example, during my back pain session, the acupuncturist placed needles in my arms, legs, feet, and back. During my first few sessions for my back pain, my worst hot spot was my right arm; It was as bad as before on my back.


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