Thursday, October 13, 2022

Digestive problems? Take a look at 6 home remedies to keep digestion good

Digestive problems? Take a look at 6 home remedies to keep digestion good

It is good to eat a variety of delicacies at the invitation of the festival. But if the digestion is not good, the mood is bad. Problems such as abdominal pain, bloating, bloating, rectal airflow or diarrhea can be triggered by eating more heavy and oily foods. Most of these are due to digestive disorders.
Here are some tips to get rid of annoying problems like indigestion, acidity, excess gas in the stomach, bloating and flatulence:

Digestive problems? Take a look at 6 home remedies to keep digestion good
* Do not rush while eating. Over time, you will end up chewing slowly and well. Food is not digested properly in a hurry. Apart from that, a little air also enters the stomach.

* Drinking too much water during and between meals weakens the stomach acid and cannot break down food well. So drink a glass of water at least 30 minutes before eating. Not too much water while eating. Drink water again after a while after eating.

* Individuals have problems digesting different types of food. People who have lactose intolerance cannot eat milk and milk products. Many people have problems with sweets (such as fruit juices, chocolates, etc.). Some people have problems with bread, barley or legumes. Who has the problem, he will be able to catch it well. Therefore, it is not possible to say such things as prohibition of milk or sweet prohibition of indigestion patient.

* Smoking, chewing gum and playing with juices increase the tendency to gas in the stomach. So avoid such habits.

* Artificial sugar, extra oily foods can also cause gas problems in the stomach. So you have to eat these by calculation.

* Flatulence in case of constipation. So to avoid constipation, eat fibrous food, drink enough water.


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